2 May 2024

The Geneva EMBA: artificial intelligence needs you

The growing impact of artificial intelligence on business models and employment is raising concerns and calls for regulation. Today, the issue is about building a future where AI contributes to productivity and economic competitiveness, while maintaining our social values. A new generation of leaders is necessary to lead the inevitable structural and organizational reform of most companies, from SMEs to multinationals. And this is precisely what the Geneva EMBA offers: to train you in leadership that will allow you to design and implement such changes within your company.

Switzerland Integrates AI
As early as 2018, the Federal Council incorporated AI into its “Digital Switzerland” strategy and established a working group to examine its implications. The group concluded that Switzerland was well-positioned to meet the challenges of AI, subsequently proposing guidelines for its use within the federal administration, which were approved in November 2020. These guidelines cover several aspects, including the design of sector strategies, the adaptation of regulations, the development and use of AI systems, as well as participation in the development of international regulation. Skills in training and research will therefore play a crucial role in meeting the challenges of AI in our country.

A Rapid Transformation of the Job Market
A recent analysis by Goldman Sachs reveals that about 300 million positions could be automated worldwide. This could potentially affect up to 18% of global work in the coming years, with a significant proportion in the tertiary sector. Economists note, however, that most jobs will only be partially exposed to automation and could be complemented rather than replaced. Goldman Sachs sees significant growth potential, anticipating a “boom in labor productivity” comparable to those that followed the emergence of previous innovations like electrification or the personal computer. The pace of these changes may vary, but their onset is already underway.

The Geneva EMBA: The Future is Now.
One domain where the tremendous acceleration potential of AI is unmistakable lies in the collection, processing, and dissemination of information. At a time when the use of data has become a competitive advantage, it is key for a company to know which data are strategic for its business. It is now essential to include artificial intelligence in the company’s processes, which will require specific skills to decide on investments, accompany learning, promote the sharing of knowledge, and make informed choices regarding the integration of technologies.
The Geneva EMBA trains executives to effectively pilot these transformations and to support their teams in accepting change. It is about understanding that it is not so much the possession of knowledge that matters, but the ability to use this knowledge to create added value in a world where AI redefines roles and professional implications.

The Geneva EMBA program spans two years.
The first year trains participants in the fundamental knowledge and skills in business administration, such as marketing, finance, strategic vision, organizational intelligence, and human resources management. It also develops their self-leadership, in other words, their ability to visualize and lead the professional project that motivates them.
The second year is dedicated to responsible leadership, where participants take advanced-level courses focused on three main themes: establishing a global advantage, leading responsibly, and managing transformation. Throughout these courses, they are guided to develop their responsible leadership, which relies not only on tools but on the capacities for analysis, vision, decision-making, and implementation. This in the face of the challenges of our current world, including the emergence of AI with its opportunities and risks.

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