16 February 2024

What is value, and how can it be created sustainably?

Sebastian Buckup just taught in the second year of our Geneva EMBA his module “Cross-sector partnerships – Creating shared Value” with his colleague Thomas Philbeck.

Our participants will learn about the evolving nature of value in 21st century economies and explore with leading innovators and trailblazers how to drive institutional and systems change. They course will partly take place at the World Economic Forum, one of the main nodes of our hyper-connected world.

Following Sebastian’s words, the course “Cross Sector Partnerships – Creating Value in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” – newly launched in the Executive MBA Programme of the University of Geneva – is set against the backdrop of the twin-challenges of technological progress and growing socio-economic distress. Technologies from artificial intelligence to synthetic biology and advanced robotics are blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological worlds, overwhelming institutions, and leaving societies exposed to new risks. Meanwhile, growing geopolitical competition, a looming climate and biodiversity crisis, and rising polarization eat away on our ability to tackle these issues, while increasing the propensity for armed conflicts, cyber warfare and culture wars. To learn more, read Technology To Watch: 5 Key Trends For 2023, newly published in Forbes Magazine.  Or Thomas Philbeck’s article on Values, Ethics and Innovation.

The course will seek to answer the question: How can technological and business model innovation deliver on the promise of building a better future?



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