18 January 2024


If you enroll now, your evolution towards greater leadership will occur during a period of multifaceted, complex, and uncertain economic upheavals, which are at the same time particularly favorable. Digital transformation and social responsibility are indeed among the most exciting subjects in the current reformatting of businesses; but they also require an unprecedented ability to imagine and implement management styles and business models that are both virtuous and profitable. For many years, the Geneva EMBA has been training leaders who can meet this immense need.

Digital transformation is a global endeavor
For more than twenty years, the general public has embraced the Internet. As a result, digital tools are now at the origin of a significant portion of growth and employment in diverse sectors such as tourism, health, distribution, culture, media, finance, and education. A new technological order has been established thanks to the systematically positive reception of the general public, as opposed to the dubious immobility of some companies. Caught up by reality, these companies are now aware of a connected world where nearly 4 billion individuals use the Internet from a mobile phone or a computer, where Facebook has 2.9 billion active monthly users, and where LinkedIn has 1 billion accounts worldwide. Innovations are succeeding each other at such a pace that one must continuously train, with the conviction that one will not be working at the end of one’s career with the technologies that were born at its start. Traditional management models fail to anticipate the organizational and structural impacts of the technological equation. This is the mission that the Geneva EMBA has set for itself, with a high-level leadership training, led not only by professors from the University of Geneva but also, for example, experts from the World Economic Forum. Join the 2024 class! Over two years, you will make your own revolution to value your potential for creation and your capacity for action in the uncertainty characteristic of today’s world.

Ethics, your next challenge?
The permanent reduction in technological costs now allows one to carry in the pocket of one’s jacket a smartphone 100,000 times more powerful than the computer of Apollo 11 in 1969. This race for performance causes planetary environmental degradation and generates an irreversible need for civic engagement.
93% of Generation Z natives thus say that their loyalty to a brand increases in relation to its social commitment. Moreover, 81% of under 30s believe that brands must play a major role in global changes. This work of social responsibility, of the “Good Economy,” is today one of the main concerns of strategic cores. It distinguishes more than ever the image of the company in a competitive space with little differentiation in products and services. This need for consumer guarantees, supported by the tightening of environmental legislation, opens the field to a new generation of leaders, keen to provide a response to the generalized desire for transparency, energy optimization, and social well-being alongside the success of their economic objectives. Are you interested? The GENEVA EMBA covers all these subjects in a training that combines responsible leadership and self-leadership, thus preparing you for conceptual development, operational projection, dialogue, mediation, and decision-making.

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