22 March 2023

One of our alumni awarded with the top world leaders

We are proud to announce that a prestigious award was recently granted to one of our esteemed alumni, Dr. Naiken Surennaidoo, who is the President of the Humanitarian for Empowerment Foundation.
The President of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Zelensky, has signed the decree N595/2022, awarding the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise to Dr. Surennaidoo. This distinction is the highest Order of Ukraine for rewarding foreign citizens and is a significant honor for Dr. Surennaidoo and his contributions to the field of humanitarian work. Dr. Surennaidoo is one of only 19 people to receive this high honor, including some of the most influential figures in the world such as the President of the European Commission, Ms. Ursula Von der Leyen, the former Italian Prime Minister Mr. Mario Draghi, and the US Secretary of State Mr. Antony Blinken.
Dr Naiken was born in Donetsk, USSR and raised in Mauritius. After completing his ordinary and advance Cambridge certification, he completed his MD in Donetsk University Ukraine. He then worked in the Mauritian public healthcare system after which he moved to Switzerland. He has a long career at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), where he completed his post-graduation studies in the Department of Visceral Surgery and Transplantation. In 2021, he completed the Executive MBA from the University of Geneva. Dr Naiken is currently the Head of the surgical department and Medical Director of Pôle Santé Vallée de Joux in Swizerland. He remains as Medical Consultant at the HUG, Nyon hospital and Clinique la Prairie in Montreux.
He is the Founding President of the Humanitarian for Empowerment Association (HFE). The Humanitarian For Empowerment association is an independent, non-profit humanitarian association which aims to promote empowerment to populations in need around the world through training tickets, qualification and monitoring by specialists in the fields of social order (health, education…). The foundation is a structure bringing together people from the medical profession and from different backgrounds such as lawyers, architects, journalists, etc., driven by the desire to transmit their knowledge and skills in different countries of the world, both clinically. than theoretical, in collaboration with structures already existing at the national level, internationally or present in the targeted countries.
To know more about his humanitarian contribution, read “Du matériel médical pour l’Ukraine” (in french)
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