14 September 2023

New options for decision making in turbulent times

This morning, our new class begins its learning journey with its first course: Strategic Thinking, Decision Making, Communication. Taught by Martin Eppler, this promises to be a dynamic one. Martin has received the Geneva MBA’s Best Teacher award several times, both for the relevance of his contributions and his ability to engage the class in a hot topic: how to make responsible decisions in such a turbulent environment as the one we are experiencing.

Full professor of media and communication management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Head of the University of St. Gallen’s International Study MBA Program, Director of the mcm (institute for media and communications management), Martin is also a creativity, innovation, visualization and strategy Trainer. He has published 18 books and over 200 scientific articles.

His module will lead our students to answer to the following questions:

1. What are the key pitfalls to clear strategic thinking, communicating, and decision making?

2. How can these pitfalls be avoided through a sensible process, the right (VUCA) mindset and a versatile set of tools?

3. Which contextual factors need to be taken into account when making strategic plans, decisions, or communicating them?

These learning will be approached in a fully interactive manner, as well as based on Martin’s research on collaborative creativity, knowledge management, knowledge visualization, knowledge communication, and information quality. You may have an insight of his contribution to these topics through his article on Management in the post-covid era, bringing tools for managing in turbulent times with the VUCA approach.

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