18 January 2024

In conversation with Alain Kolly: “The program provided the confidence and the ability to manage the financial and strategic facets of my career.”

It has been well defined that this decade, the 2020s, has been a time of an epic awareness for the general public and health sector together, facing great adversities and learning how to persevere together globally. Driven by greater social responsibilities and human values; Health care professionals have placed significant emphasis on addressing Life, Environment, and Economy as three critical concerns that bind mankind to the future of progress. In order to curb these challenges and create transformative values, health care leaders need comprehensive knowledge, skills and empathy.

Meet Alain Kolly, the Deputy General Director at the University Hospital of Geneva and an Alumni of UNIGE EMBA, who shares his journey from a thought leader’s position on how his transformation paved a path to best practices that helped him reshape social responsibility.

A chapter of great strive, and greater change.
Alain holds a stern background and understanding in political science and philosophy, and served in delegation to ICRC for almost 20 years in conflicted areas. Upon his return to Geneva, Alain joined the public sector on a management role, where he sensed a need to develop further his skills and concepts of business management. His passion led him to pursue academic direction, choosing an Executive MBA with UNIGE. He states the conditions that influenced his decision.

“My decision with UNIGE was a culmination of choosing high-quality education, prestige, recognition and being closely connected with the business communities. The EMBA program offered me access to state-of-the-art research constituents, great panel of professors, a flexible study schedule to balance my private and professional life, and the price of the course was right for me. The support I received from the beginning till the end, supported my ambitions and got me through the program.”

An edifice of knowledge and science in leadership.
Alain elaborates the impact and the inspiration driven from his EMBA, “The program provided the confidence and the ability to manage the financial and strategic facets of my career. I was able to develop my vision and values on leadership and as an individual holistically. Philosophic management is a unique approach to my practices and it derives from a Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who said that every man is born good, but it is the context around him that makes him behave badly. I believe that environment holds true in people’s behavior and performance. I stand on a principle that every employee is trying to do his/her best in their job, and if they are not able to achieve their objectives, it just might be due to external aspects that threaten the opportunity to accomplish their goals. In playing my responsibility, I investigate what causes the problem and help in a fair resolution.”

Innovation to realization: a thriving society and workforce.
Before Alain succeeded as the Deputy General Director at the University Hospital of Geneva, he achieved in creating a foundation that helped people facing prolonged unemployment, find suitable jobs.  He adds, “I worked on my field of human resources this concept thesis for the EMBA program, recognized by UNIGE and by Jean-Yves, my thesis supervisor who challenged my thesis and inspired me to realize my idea and not just leave it on a shelf. This led me to invest my resources to make this a reality, and for over 15 years, I have been the president of the foundation. We have helped hundreds of people every year through this initiative.”

Alain Kolly has set an exemplary path with his professional insights that illustrate how the EMBA program at UNIGE enables professionals archive career and personals goals and that his story will inspire many to pursue their academic and professional dreams.


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